【中小學試題】英文搶分練習題答案 分清不同Preposition用法
發布時間: 2023/11/01 00:00
最後更新: 2023/11/06 15:05
1. among/in, at/in, at, in/on
2. at/in, for, to, for
3. at, in, at/in, for
4. at/in, for, from/on, outside
5. at, on, for, at/during
6. at/in, on, on, with
7. between, for, on/from, on
8. on, at/in, at/in
9. up, at, at/from/on
10. at/in, for, of, at/during
1. across, of, across/on, of
2. at/in, among/in, across/on, in/with
3. beyond, of, in, of
4. in, from, along/on/through, of
5. for/on, for/to, on, with
6. on, for, into, in, of
7. over, above/over, with, in/with, over
8. on, at/in, within, from/of, with, in
9. from/through, on, from, on/onto, in/with
10. beyond, for, for, beyond, in/of
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